Tuesday, March 17, 2009

BK Whopper Virgins

Those of us from highly industrialized areas of the globe are often so presumptious about what is best for the rest of the world. We nearly always believe that those in the developing nations are better off by following our lead, since we think that we know best. 

Go to Burger King's Whopper Virgin's campaign (www.whoppervirgins.com) to see how people "who have never tasted a hamburger" react to comparing Whoppers with Big Macs. 

One of the researcher's  said "they didn't even quite know how to pick it up and from what end to eat it." The result may be an example of BK's (and our) pomposity and possibly a little bit of global insensitivity?  

In addition to the pompsity, I am embarrased by BK for its portrayal of the local residents.  If you notice one of the test cities is Bucharest; a major Eastern European city.  Yet, they portray the people living in the city as remote villagers.  I do like the Inuit who says he likes seal meat better than the Whopper.  A big question I have is the question.  It appears that the researchers asked which do you like better, the Whopper or BigMac?  If the taste tester responds with the Whopper what they really could be saying is out of the two, the Whopper is less disgusting but both are terrible and I would never eat one again.  Secondly, they are highly underrating cultures.  Asian culture, such as Hmong, values face and honor very much.  Therefore, you would never take any action that insults or makes the other person loose face - such as telling them the hamburger is gross.  

In an increasingly global society, it is important for advertisers and corporations to truly understand how an ad portays them to a diverse audience.

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