Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Recession and Romance

How the recession may improve your sex life, or not

According to the BBC news, sex toy sales are up. This leads some to believe that love and passion may be immune to economic recession.

According to the article, dating websites are reporting an upsurge in visits. Surveys done in the U.K. are reporting sex as being the favorite “free” activity.

At the same time, psychologists are admitting that lack of self esteem that often goes along with job loss and financial insecurity, can affect virility. Which means, I think they’re trying to say, people are having sex, but not the satisfying kind.

Just to confuse things, this CNN commentary explores the theory that love and romance are showing signs of limpness.

Larry Flynt, of Hustler fame, made a case for a government bailout of the adult entertainment industry, citing “economic impotence.” Flynt believes people are just too damn depressed to get it on. Not that we should be giving a whole lot of credence to a porn industry leader.

Maybe people are just afraid of getting pregnant. Either way, as Beth mentions in her cheap date post, you don’t need to be rich to be romantic.

What do you think?

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